Sumiyoshi Taisha (住吉大社)

The unique style pf architecture, "Sumiyoshi-zukuri"
Beside, the main shrine is designated a national treasure because the shrine is constructed in an unique style of architecture called, "Sumiyoshi-zukiri (住吉造り)". This style is one of the oldest style as the shrine architecture, and characterized by straight roofs (commnly, roofs of other shrines are curved), and crosses of wood called "chigi (千木)" and ornamental wood billet called "katsuogi (鰹木)" on the roof.Also, this shrine has a famous bridge called "sorihashi (反橋)" that was modeled on the shape of the rainbow connecting the world of gods and that of humans.

"Soribashi" known as "Taikobashi (太鼓橋)"

Regular Holiday: open 365 days
Business hours: 06:00-17:00 (Apr.-Sep.), 06:30-17:00 (Oct.-Mar.)
The nearest station: Sumiyoshitaisya station (Nankai railway, Nanlai main line)
Note: From 12/31 to 1/3, this shrine is very crowded because Japanese customary visit shrines and pray for a happy new year in the period. Therefore, it may take very long time to visit this shrine.